Trains Cancel: Many trains running via Bhopal canceled, routes also changed, see train list here

Trains Cancel: Many trains running via Bhopal canceled, routes also changed, see train list here
Trains Cancel: Many trains running via Bhopal canceled, routes also changed, see train list here

Bhopal. There is important news for the people traveling by rail from Bhopal. Bhopal Station Master Mahesh Mathe told that the Kota-Bina-Kota Express has been cancelled. With this, 6 trains will be partially cancelled. Not only this, it has been decided to run 14 trains through diverted routes. In fact, the work of interlocking is to be done in Piparai village for the doubling of Bina-Guna rail section of West Central Railway, Bhopal division. Trains running through this route have been affected due to the construction work.

Note these trains will remain canceled

• Train number 01884/01883 Gwalior-Bina-Gwalior Express Special will run between Gwalior-Guna-Gwalior from 06.01.2023 to 21.01.2023 and will remain partially canceled between Guna-Bina-Guna.

• Train number 19341 Nagda-Bina Express will run from 05.01.2023 to 21.01.2023 and train number 19342 Bina-Nagda Express will run between Nagda-Guna-Nagda and Guna-Bina-Guna from 06.01.2023 to 22.01.2023 Will be partially cancelled.

• Train number 12198/12197 Gwalior-Bhopal-Gwalior Intercity Express will run between Gwalior-Guna-Gwalior from 06.01.2023 to 21.01.2023 and will remain partially canceled between Guna-Bhopal-Guna.

These vehicles will run on other routes

• Train number 19165 Ahmedabad-Darbhanga Sabarmati Express will run from its originating station on January 06, 08, 11, 13, 15, 18 and 20 via the diverted route via Maxi-Sant Hirdaram Nagar-Nishatpura-Bina and on 07, 09, Train number 19166 Darbhanga-Ahmedabad Sabarmati Express leaving its originating station on January 11, 14, 16 and 18 will go via diverted route via Bina-Nishatpura-Sant Hirdaram Nagar-Maxi.

• Train number 19167 Ahmedabad-Varanasi City Sabarmati Express leaving its originating station on January 05, 07, 09, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17 and 19 will be diverted via Maxi-Sant Hirdaram Nagar-Nishatpura-Bina and On January 05, 06, 08, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19 and 20, train number 19168 Varanasi City-Ahmedabad Sabarmati Express will be diverted via Bina-Nishatpura-Sant Hirdaram Nagar-Maxi from its originating station. Will go to destination.

• Train number 13423 Bhagalpur-Ajmer Express, which started from its originating station on January 05, 12 and 19, will be diverted via Malkhedi-Bina-Nishatpura-Sant Hirdaram Nagar-Nagda-Kota, while on January 07, 14 and 21, it will return to its original station. Train number 13424 Ajmer-Bhagalpur Express running from the starting station will run via the diverted route via Kota-Nagda-Sant Hirdaram Nagar-Nishatpura-Bina-Malkhedi.

• Train number 20971 Udaipur City-Shalimar Express will run from its originating station on January 07, 14 and 21 via diverted route via Kota-Nagda-Sant Hirdaram Nagar-Nishatpura-Bina-Malkhedi and will leave its originating station on January 08 and 15. Train number 20972 Shalimar-Udaipur City Express will run via diverted route via Malkhedi-Bina-Nishatpura-Sant Hirdaram Nagar-Nagda-Kota.


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