Train Cancellation: 162 trains canceled even today, go to the station only after checking the status of the train

Train Cancel Today: Railways canceled 249 trains even today, know how to get refund if trains are canceled
Train Cancel Today: Railways canceled 249 trains even today, know how to get refund if trains are canceled

New Delhi. The process of cancellation of trains continues. Today, on Friday, November 18, Indian Railways has canceled 162 trains (Cancelled Train list 18 November 2022).

Apart from this, due to the repair of tracks and other operational problems, the railways have also diverted the routes of many trains. Railways keeps updating its list of canceled trains. Hence the number of canceled trains may increase or decrease.

Railways have to cancel trains due to bad weather, maintenance of railway tracks and other operational reasons. Today, Railways has completely canceled 135 trains. 27 trains have been partially cancelled. Not only this, the Railways has also rescheduled 28 trains today. 17 trains are being diverted. The trains that have been canceled include passenger, mail and express trains.

Check list like this Information about canceled, rescheduled and diverted trains is given on the website of Indian Railways and IRCTC. You do not need to go anywhere to know the real status of any train. You can check the status of the train sitting at home. To know the status of the train, one has to visit the railway website or the link of IRCTC website We are telling you how to know the status of the train from the website of Indian Railways.

  • To check the status of the train, visit
  • On this you will see the Exceptional Trains option. Select it.
  • Now you have to fill captcha.
  • After doing this, click on the Exceptional Trains option again.
  • Here the option of canceled, rescheduled and diverted trains will appear.
  • By clicking on these, you can know about the canceled, rescheduled and diverted trains.
  • By clicking on Train Exceptional info, you can check the status of the train by its name or number.

Changed Train Ticket Booking System

Railway has changed UTS (Unreserved Ticket System). Passengers will now be able to book unreserved tickets up to 20 km from the UTS ON MOBILE App. Earlier, passengers were allowed to book general tickets up to 5 km from the UTS on mobile app. In all urban areas, the distance has now been increased from 2 km to 5 km. Platform tickets, monthly passes and seasonal tickets can also be purchased from the UTS mobile app.


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