Today railway news: Important news for railway passengers, railways gave big information regarding online tickets

Today railway news: Important news for railway passengers, railways gave big information regarding online tickets
Today railway news: Important news for railway passengers, railways gave big information regarding online tickets

Indian Railways Update: Indian Railways keeps on offering facilities for the convenience of the passengers from time to time. In this sequence, now the railway is engaged in updating the ticket booking system. Let us know the complete information about it. Indian Railways is working to upgrade the online passenger ticket booking system of the Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) so that it is convenient for passengers to cut tickets as well as travel. Could. Along with this, the demand of passengers can also be fulfilled.

Railway gave big information

Giving information, the Railways said that the comments or recommendations contained in the Eighth Report of the Standing Committee of Railways on Passenger Reservation System of Indian Railways were shared in the action taken by the government.

The Ministry of Railways said that it has taken several steps from time to time to modernize the ticketing process. Actually, many times passengers have to face difficulties in getting tickets online. In such a situation, it is working on making the process of online ticket more easy and convenient.

Know how many tickets are booked in a minute?

Railways said that the ‘Next Generation E-Ticketing (NGET) system has been continuously upgraded. You can get an idea of ​​this from this figure that in 2016-17 15,000 tickets were being cut per minute, while in the year 2017-18, 18,000 tickets per minute and in 2018-19 20,000 tickets are being made per minute.

Railways informed that at present, IRCTC website has the capacity to book more than 25,000 tickets per minute. On the other hand, if we talk about the record till now, on March 5, 2020, a record 26,458 tickets were booked in a minute.

Actually, on March 5, 2020, a jump in ticket booking was seen because this record was made due to unaccounted last minute bookings before Holi that year.



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