IRCTC news : Train Ticket Cancellation How much money will be deducted on cancellation of train ticket? Know what the rule says


 From Train Ticket Booking to Cancellation, it has become very easy in today’s tour. Like before, there is no need to go to the counter and stand in line, rather you can book online train ticket booking from home and even cancel. This process may be known to most of the people, but still many people are not aware of how much charge is charged by the railways for canceling the ticket. Since the matter is directly related to your pocket, it is necessary to have complete information about it. 

If you cancel train tickets, then each class has a different charge. That is, if you cancel the AC First Class ticket, then its charge will be different and if you cancel the AC Two-Tier, Three-Tier, Sleeper, Second Class etc., then their charges are also different.

According to IRCTC, the time before you cancel the ticket, the ticket cancellation charge depends on it. After the chart is prepared, the train ticket cancellation charge is different for ticket cancellation.

If you cancel your confirmed ticket 48 hours before the departure of the train, then Rs 240 for AC First Class, Rs 200 for AC Two-Tier, Rs 180 for AC Three-Tier, Rs 120 for Sleeper Class and Rs. 60 rupees will be deducted for this.

If you cancel the ticket between 48 hours to 12 hours after the departure of the train, then 25% of the ticket money will be deducted as well as GST will also be applicable on it, which you will have to pay. If the ticket is canceled within 12 hours to four hours after the departure of the train, then half of the ticket plus GST charge will have to be paid. If you do not fill the TDR online and cancel the confirmed ticket within four hours of the departure of the train, no return will be given i.e. the entire ticket money will be deducted.

First of all go to IRCTC e-Ticketing Service website and login with username and password. After this go to My Transactions and click on Booked Ticket History. Here the booked ticket will be displayed, to cancel it, click on the ‘Cancellation’ option, then click on the Confirm Ticket Cancel option. After this your ticket will be canceled and money will come in your account.



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