Indian Railways: Railways presented a tremendous plan! Wasteful expenditure of Rs 1200 crore will be stopped

Indian Railways: Railways presented a tremendous plan! Wasteful expenditure of Rs 1200 crore will be stopped
Indian Railways: Railways presented a tremendous plan! Wasteful expenditure of Rs 1200 crore will be stopped

Indian Railways Spittoons Pouch: Indian Railways spends Rs 1200 crore to clean the stains and marks caused by spitting of betel and tobacco eaters. Railways has issued a new plan for this.

New Delhi: Spitting at Railway Station: There  is important news for railway passengers. Railway has prepared a tremendous plan to keep the station and train clean.

Despite the strictness during the Corona period, the habit of spitting people at the railway station and platform or in any public place has not been controlled. But now the Railways has found a unique way to control these habits.

Railway has come up with a unique innovation to curb this habit of people at stations and platforms.

You will be stunned to know that every year Indian Railways spends Rs 1200 crore to clean the stains and marks caused by the spitting of paan and tobacco eaters. That is, due to a bad habit, 1200 crore rupees are spent unnecessarily.

Vending machines will be installed at 42 stations

Railways has now prepared a tremendous plan to save 1200 crores which is wasted every year. Under this, vending machines and kiosks will be installed at 42 stations to prevent passengers from spitting in the railway premises.

According to the news of PTI, spittoon pouches of up to Rs 5 and Rs 10 will be given in this vending machine by the railways.

How will a spittoon with a pouch work?

Railway’s 3 zones – West, North and Central Railway have given a contract to a Nagpur-based startup Easypist for this. The specialty of this spigot is that any person can easily keep it in his pocket.

With the help of these pouches, the passenger can spit anywhere anytime without any stain. That is, now Rs 1200 crore will not be wasted.

How does this pouch work?

Let us tell you that these biodegradable pouches can be used 15-20 times. Actually, it turns the spit into a solid substance. Once fully used, these sachets are put in the soil, after which they dissolve completely.

That is, there is no relief from the danger of pollution. Let us tell you that the startup company of Nagpur has started installing these vending machines at the stations. He has tied up with Nagpur Municipal Corporation and Aurangabad Municipal Corporation.



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