Important news – Train ticket booking method changed, Indian Railways changes the rules


Indian Railways has changed the rules for e-ticket booking. Now passengers will have to give their own number for ticket booking.

Do you also travel by train? But, do online train ticket booking be done by someone else? No one can do it further. But, now a condition has been added. The way of booking tickets has changed. Indian Railways has changed the rules for e-ticket booking. Now passengers will have to give their own number for ticket booking. Meaning that the number to be entered during ticket booking should be of the passenger traveling. In the e-ticket booking, the passenger has to enter his own number in the registered contact number (IRCTC registered mobile number). Even if the ticket has been booked by anyone.

According to the railway, most passengers travel by train, but their booking is done through another account or booked through an agent (railway ticket agents). In such a situation, their contact number is not recorded in the PRS system. In such a situation, passengers do not get the information when the train is canceled or there is any change in the timetable of the train. Therefore, the railway is starting this service only for the convenience of the passengers. Till now, the railway sends all the information to the passengers through SMS.

Give your number to stay updated (How to use Indian Railways SMS facility)

According to the railway, it is an appeal to all the passengers to register their mobile number in the contact number at the time of booking the ticket. This will keep them updated with all the information received from the railways. They will also get information about any changes in the schedule of the train from time to time. This will not cause any problems like missing the train or waiting at the station. Rail passengers will get direct benefit of this.

IRCTC login is required (How to use IRCTC login)

Most passengers in the country book their tickets through an agent or other IRCTC account. But, the Railways says that every passenger should have his own login. This can give him many facilities. If you also book tickets online then an IRCTC account should be created. You can create your account by visiting the website.

How to create your IRCTC account? (How to create IRCTC Login)

>> Go to IRCTC website
>> Then click on the register option.
>> After this a page will open, after which the registration form will open.
>> Here you have to fill all the information.
>> Passenger will have to give their user name, password, name, address, gender, date of birth, occupation, mobile number, Aadhaar number, email ID, security question and their answer, language information.
>> After this enter the verification code and submit.
>> After this, a dialog box will appear on a new page, where you have to click on Accept.
>> After this it will be written that your registration is complete.
>> Now your user name and password information will be sent to email. After which you can log in.

You can know the real time status. (Real time status)

You can know the PNR status of the train ticket on your WhatsApp. You have to save a number in your smartphone. As soon as the user messages his PNR number on this number. The system sends all the information (real time basis) to your WhatsApp.

This is how to check PNR Status

>> Phone number +91 9881193322 has to be saved on your smartphone.
>> Now open WhatsApp and search on +919881193322 to message.
>> Once the chat box is open, just send PNR number as message
>> After this, Bot members will respond with confirmation.
>> You will continue to get updates on the train automatically.


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